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The Media's Failure

Since South African's sudden shift in government, the country has seen an epidemic of hate crimes plague their country. The problem is not only the recent surge of violent crimes but also the complete and downright neglect from the mainstream media. It has continued to be swept under the rug and ignored by most media outlets; very few sources have addressed this issue. This issue is also being ignored by the South African government, and by other governments worldwide. On it is stated that "the South African police did not collect statistics on attacks and murders on farms and smallholding prior to 1997." This is yet another piece of information that goes to show most people are just treating this as a trivial issue. These are hundreds of thousands of peoples lives we are talking about. Although some may be the victims of violent robbery, most are being tortured and murdered because of the color of their skin. People need to be informed on this issue, because if no one knows about it, they will not be able to help put an end to these horrible murders.

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